Bringing CNS Members Together to Make Children’s Lives Better


Are you passionate about the field of child neurology? Do you get excited about what the future holds? Are you eager to get more involved in the decisions that lead the Child Neurology Society?

If you answered yes, please consider running for one of the open positions on the CNS Board of Directors (the Board).

What is the CNS Board of Directors?

The CNS Board of Directors comprises seven elected officers who govern the Child Neurology Society. Collectively, they ensure that all CNS activities are focused on our mission, strategic plan, and organizational priorities and work to oversee the society’s finances.

What makes a good candidate?

To serve on the CNS Board takes more than a solid education and work experience. It takes dedication, commitment, and fervor.

To fill our open seats on the board, we need members who are:

  • passionate about our mission of advancing the field and serving as a resource for current and future child neurologists around the world
  • eager to participate, willing to prepare, and excited to give their time and talents to grow our membership and expand our resources and partnership
  • good listeners and true collaborators who have a learning mindset and are open to different points of view
  • advocates and stewards of the Child Neurology Society

What you get in return

A lot of time and effort is required of board members, but what you give in time and expertise is returned to you tenfold.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping advance the field for current and future child neurologists worldwide, but you’ll also be helping more children and families in need.

You’ll also expand your network, cultivate new skills, build your leadership capabilities, and grow professionally and personally.

2025 Election

The 2025 election dates are June 1, 2025 – August 30, 2025. The following positions are open for election: 

  • Councilor for the East
  • Councilor for the Midwest

2024 Election Completed

The 2024 election completed on August 30, 2024. The following positions were open for election: 

  • President-elect 
  • Councilor for the South 
  • Councilor for the West 

Nomination Guidelines

  1. Nominees and nominators must be Active Members of the Child Neurology Society
  2. Members may nominate themselves
  3. Nominations must include a statement outlining the nominee’s qualifications (500 words max)
  4. CNS Nominating Committee members may themselves submit nominations but must recuse themselves from final committee vote(s) involving their nominee(s) 
  5. Provide a self-authored bio and answers to 2-3 questions

Board Position Descriptions & Time Commitment

Download the detailed description for the board positions:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Secretary-Treasurer
  • Councilor

The Board holds nine meetings annually; five of the nine meetings and calls are hosted virtually. In-person meetings are in the spring for one day and in the fall for three days during the CNS Annual Meeting. Board calls and meetings generally occur both during the day and evening hours.

Timetable for the 2024 Election

Early – Mid-May Announcements via eConnections and the CNS website regarding Board Service. 
June 1-30 The nomination portal opens for CNS Active members to submit nominations for the CNS Board of Directors. 
Early July   The CNS Nominating Committee will select two finalists for each position. 
Mid-July An eConnections featuring self-authored bios and responses to 2-3 questions.
August 1 Link to online ballot sent to Active Members. A letter is mailed to all those Members the CNS cannot email. 
Please note the link and letters may be sent as many as 5 days earlier. 
August 1-30 Online voting will begin – Active CNS Members may cast ballots during a 30-day online voting period. 
August 30 Deadline for ballots – must be submitted by 11:59 PM CDT. 
Early September Candidates are notified of results.  
Mid-September   Newly-elected officers will be publicly announced via eConnections.
NovemberNewly-elected officers will take office at the CNS Business Meeting. 

Councilor Regions

For purposes of the Society, states shall be divided into regions as follows:

WESTAlaska, Alberta, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
SOUTHAlabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
MIDWESTIllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Ontario, South Dakota, Wisconsin
EASTConnecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont