The Child Neurology Society Bernard D’Souza International Fellowship Award is awarded annually to a child neurologist who a) trained in a developing country, b) currently practices child neurology in an academic environment in a developing country, and c) is willing to present a paper in English at the CNS Annual Meeting. Preference will be shown to applicants less than age 45 years. The awardee can visit a selected training program in North America (preferably located close to the annual meeting site) preceding or following the CNS Annual Meeting.
Bolivar Quito-Betancourt, MD,Pediatric Neurologist
Cuenca, Ecuador
Dr. Thembi Katangwe-Chirwa,MBBS (Mw), MMED (UNIMA),FCPaed (SA), Cert Neuro Paeds(SA), MPhil Neuro Paeds (SU)
Cape Town, South Africa
Priyanka Madaan, MD
Faridabad, Haryana
Prem Chand, MBBS, FCPS
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Paulina C. Tejada
Santiago, Chile