Roger & Mary Brumback Lifetime Achievement Awards are presented to CNS Members in recognition of a life-long commitment to child neurology, patient care, and humanism in medicine. Recipients will receive one hotel night, a registration fee waiver, and a presentation of a plaque following a brief talk at the Annual Meeting Legacy Reception. Eligibility criteria include:
- The nominee has been a member of the Child Neurology Society for at least 20 years
- The nominee is recognized for an outstanding commitment to child neurology, patient care, and humanism in medicine, as assessed by the nominator(s), colleagues, trainees, and patients and their families.
- The nominee is recognized for leadership or service to the Child Neurology Society.
- The nominee is recognized for a life-long career devoted to child neurology as a clinical discipline, whether as a practitioner, clinical investigator, or advocate for the principles of the Child Neurology Society.