The 50th Golden Anniversary Meeting of the Child Neurology Society was a huge success, bringing together over 900 attendees and guests and an additional 200 exhibitor representatives at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA. Another 600 attendees registered for the virtual meeting, enjoying a full line-up of livestreamed symposia and seminars and the Kenneth F. Swaiman Legacy Luncheon.
The Virtual Platform closed November 2. Select sessions and posters will be posted on the one or more of the CNS websites (primary website or Lifelong Learning website) beginning December 2021. All symposia and seminars will be available for CME credit on the Lifelong Learning website beginning in January 2022.
50th Anniversary CNS Meeting Commemorative Issue
Countdown to Boston
As part of the run-up to the 50th/Golden Anniversary Meeting of the Child Neurology Society in Boston, CNS Executive Director, Roger Larson, regularly sent out a “Countdown to Boston” via eConnections to all CNS Members. Enjoy!
Click to view “Countdown to Boston”
2021 CNS Annual Meeting Program
Founders Book
Be sure to order your copy, as part of registration, of the 2nd edition of Child Neurology: It’s Origins, Founders, Growth and Evolution, edited by Stephen Ashwal, MD. As described by Phil Pearl in his Summer 2021 Letter from the President, “The 1990 Founders featured profiles of 124 founders up to 1960; this edition has been expanded with fourteen new masterful topical overviews and an additional 137 new profiles crossing over into the new millennium.”
Click to order hardcover and/or eBook format.