Bringing CNS Members Together to Make Children’s Lives Better


Telemedicine Resources, including Monday April 6 webinar featuring CNS Secretary-Treasurer, Bruce Cohen, MD

A CNS Telemedicine Toolkit for Child Neurologists was drafted by the leadership of our Telemedicine SIG, Drs. Sucheta Joshi from University of Michigan and Charuta Joshi at Colorado Children’s. Future updates will be made available through a multi-organizational collaborative the CNS has joined that includes representatives from the AAN, ACNS, CNF, EFA, ILAE, NAEC, and potentially other societies; we will coordinate informational materials and make them available to all each step of the way. 


CNS Secretary-Treasurer, Bruce Cohen MD, Director of Neurodevelopmental Science at Akron Children’s, has published a review paper online in Continuum entitled: Coding in the World of COVID-19: Non-Face-to-Face Evaluation and Management Care, accessible free at:

Please note that since this was posted online last week, there have been rule changes that are not reflected in the online version but will be contained in the upcoming print version. In addition, Bruce has taped a terrific three-minute educational piece on NeuroByte with truly high-yield information that is available to all: for AAN Members, the best link is; for non-members, use
CNS members should also be aware that Bruce is holding a 75-minute CME course on telemedicine coding on Monday, April 6 at 3:30 pm EDT. You will need to register for the course, but it is free and registration takes only a few minutes Here is the link which allows for registration and later attendance: