Bringing CNS Members Together to Make Children’s Lives Better


14th European Pediatric Neurology Society Congress

Dear Colleagues,

The recent CNS-ICNA conjoint virtual meeting provided a fantastic platform for the child neurology community to gather with the shared goal to improve the standards of care of all children with suspected neurological problems.

Are you still thirsty for knowledge?

Be sure to ‘save the date’ for the 14th biennial European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) Congress, Glasgow, UK which will take place on 28 April-2 May 2022.(postponed from 2021) This will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the rapidly evolving .eld of child neurology including basic science, diagnostic methods, and novel treatments. For more information visit

The EPNS is a thriving society of approx. 1500 physicians and allied professionals with a clinical or research interest in Child Neurology from around the world.

Are you a member of the EPNS?

If you are not already an EPNS member, we would be delighted to welcome you! There are many benefits, including substantially discounted EPNS Congress delegate registration fees. CLICK HERE to learn more about the EPNSmember benefits It’s easy to join too, and will take you less than 2 minutes: CLICK HERE

If you would like to learn more about the EPNS, please send an email to Sue Hargreaves who will be very happy to help:

We hope to welcome you in Glasgow in spring 2022!

Best wishes
The EPNS Team

EPNS-14th Banner

PLEASE NOTE: This email was sent to CNS members with the approval and cooperation of the Child Neurology Society. A fee was paid to the Child Neurology Society for providing this email service. Official notice is hereby given that the CNS does not officially endorse the product, service, research/study, position, event or company/institution referenced, nor is any implication of endorsement intended by the contracting party. The CNS never releases member email addresses. Members may decide individually to provide their own email to third parties but are strictly prohibited from providing any member emails other than their own for any reason.


Posted November 5, 2020