Living Richly in the Real World
Roger Larson, CAE | Executive Director
Fall 2021
“The greatest poverty is not to live in a physical world.”– Wallace Stevens, 1944 It may well be true that physicans’ lives and livelihoods are defined too little by poets...September 19, 29 and October 20: Mark Your Calendars
Roger Larson, CAE | Executive Director
Special Summer 2021
We measure ourselves by many standards. Our strength and our intelligence, our wealth and even our good luck, are things which warm our heart and make us feel ourselves a...American Dreams (“If you have to ask….”)
Roger Larson, CAE | Executive Director
Summer 2021
It never occurred to me while watching Amanda Gorman deliver her stirring inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb” on January 20 that her last name is an anagram for Morgan...Looking Ahead to the 50th Annual Meeting…in Boston
Roger Larson, CAE | Executive Director
Winter/Spring 2021
Like many of you, I find myself struggling with a mild variant of pseudo-schizophrenia these days, holding animated conversations on solitary walks with at least three different “inner selves”: 1....Make it About You – September 2020
Roger Larson, CAE | Executive Director
Summer 2020
We measure ourselves by many standards. Our strength and our intelligence, our wealth and even our good luck, are things which warm our heart and make us feel ourselves a...