To Members and Supporters of the CNS
The Child Neurology Society is sponsoring a special Scientific Session at this week’s AAN virtual meeting, highlighting the upcoming 50th Anniversary CNS Meeting in Boston that will usher in the Society’s 50th year as the professional “home” of child neurologists throughout the US and Canada.
Phillip L. Pearl, MD
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 • 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
The Child Neurology Society at 50 Years:
Past, Present, and Future –
The Baylor Program as Exemplar
Marvin Fishman, MD
CNS President, 1987-89
• Mentors, Mentees, and the Baylor Child Neurology Program
Huda Zoghbi, MD
1988 CNS Young Investigator Awardee
2001 Bernard Sachs Award Lecturer
• Development of Neurogenetics and Mentoring the Next Generation
Hsiao-Tuan Chao, MD, PhD2
020 CNS Philip R. Dodge Young Investigator Awardee
• The Impact of Serendipity: From Rare Disorders to Common Insights
Phillip L Pearl, MD
CNS President
• Panel Discussion/Q&A