Roger Alan Brumback, MD
I sometimes hold it half a sinTo put in words, the grief I feel;For words, like Nature, half revealAnd half conceal the Soul within.– Alfred Lord Tennyson Summarizing someone’s life...
George Robert (Bob) DeLong, MD
George Robert (Bob) DeLong, former Chief of the Children’s Neurology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Emeritus Professor of Pediatric Neurology at Duke University was born in Lafayette, Indiana in...
Robert M. Eiben, MD
Robert M. Eiben was born on July 12, 1922 in the near West Side of Cleveland, not many blocks from the City Hospital in which he would spend almost forty...John Mark Freeman, MD
John Mark Freeman was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 11, 1933. He was educated at Deerfield Academy and Amherst College from which he graduated A.M. cum laude in...Bhuwan Garg, MBBS
The second of two Child Neurology Society Lifetime Achievement Awards presented this year celebrates the life and career of Dr. Bhuwan Garg. Sadly, the presentation of this award is bittersweet,...