Years from now – decades, even – what CNS members may remember most about the 43rd Annual CNS Meeting in Columbus, OH is that this was the time and place where we met our goal of raising $1 million to fully endow the Philip R. Dodge Young Investigator Award. Friday’s closing reception turned into a gala celebration. And while there was plenty of credit to go around, special thanks and congratulations go to Darryl De Vivo and his Steering Committee, to the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Fund for it’s key matching grant, to Questcor Pharmaceuticals, to Boston Children’s Hospital Neurology Foundation and Texas Children’s Hospital, to Dr. William Danforth (Phil Dodge’s colleague at Wash U), to the 60 CNS members contributing $1,000+, and to the 300 CNS Members contributing $100-500.
Fittingly, this year’s Dodge Young Investigator Awardee hailed from Wash U: Christopher Smyser; his mentor, Jeff Neil, trained under Phil Dodge and won the YIA in 1993.
Other highlights included a Canadian sweep of the major award lectures, with Gabrielle deVeber giving a sterling Sachs Lecture, and Michael Shevell presenting a memorable Hower Lecture.
CNS Annual Meeting Program
CNS Awards
Hower Award
Michael Shevell, MD (Montreal, QC, Canada)
Bernard Sachs Award
Gabrielle deVeber, MD (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Roger & Mary Brumback Lifetime Achievement Awards
G. Robert De Long, MD (Durham, NC)
Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award
Kenton Holden, MD (Mt. Pleasant, SC)
Philip R. Dodge Young Investigator Award
Christopher Smyser, MD (St. Louis, MO)