Some of you may be familiar with the radical proposal that all time zones should be abolished and replaced with a so-called “Universal Time.” Steve Hanke, professor of applied economics, and Dick Henry, professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins are big proponents of this concept. You can learn more about their reasoning related to economic and health benefits as well as some of the international politics of time zones at this link:
Time zone issues can be especially vexing in this pandemic. Like me, I am sure that many of you have had at least one experience of either confusing others or being confused yourself as to exactly what time zone some Zoom meeting was scheduled for when it involved people from across the country. I thought that I was a total “Time Zone Pro” until the day when I logged in to begin a meeting that I had scheduled with some members of the PCN, only to find that it was just ending. It recently got even worse for me, when I sent an incorrect meeting reminder to Nancy Bass – I got the time right but not the right month. Seems that I am alert but not oriented.
Time zone issues will also be tricky as we come into this virtual interview season and try to figure out how to coordinate applicants from the two coasts with faculty and residents from our programs, not to mention how they might also learn about our related pediatrics and adult neurology programs. One lesson that I learned from the most recent PCN webinar is that the internet has no time zone, and this is where our applicants are going to try and learn all that they can about our programs at whatever time they would like. For applicants, social media is especially important (and more valuable than program swag!) as a method for all of us to continue to advertise and highlight aspects of our programs. A general Tweet or Instagram message from you (or even better, your residents) about what is happening in your program is a cost effective and fair way to connect with the masses. I am sure that this will be an important part of recruitment for years to come.
For the upcoming virtual Professors of Child Neurology meeting at ICNA/CNS, I have triple checked the day and time and set up reminders and alarms on all my gadgets so that I do not miss it! We are all set for October 12, 2020. We will start at 1 PM Pacific Daylight Time with our traditional business meeting followed by a 2-hour CME session beginning at 2:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time.
Our 1-hour business meeting will be via a special link sent out just to PCN members via CNS Connect. The business meeting will include our usual reviews of the Match, Treasurer report, K12, and a discussion of By-Laws revisions. We will also introduce and hear comments from the two candidates nominated to run for Director at Large: Karen Ballaban-Gil and Rujuta Wilson. I shoud note that Rujuta currently serves on the PCN Board of Directors, having filled out the 2nd year of my term when I became President; she is running this year to serve a full term of her own).
The subsequent 2-hour CME session will be open to other attendees of the ICNA-CNS meeting. I am looking forward to this session, as we will have Jimmy Reese presenting on the creation of a clinician educator pathway followed by Mary Zupanc discussing the findings and recommendations of the CNS Task Force investigating the practice of Child Neurology in the 21st century. Please be sure to read the What time is it in California?
Child Neurology Society | Fall 2020 95related publication if you have not done so already: “Child neurology in the 21st century: More than the sum of our RVUs” ( Due to our time zone issues, all ICNA-CNS talks, to include this session, have been pre-recorded. However, I am hoping that we will be able to engage in a “live” discussion, since I expect the majority of attendees will be coming from North America and (more or less) in the same time zone.
My time as the PCN President comes to an end with the conclusion of this meeting. It has been my privilege to have served in this position for the past couple of years, and the time went by fast… too fast for me to have gotten to all of the things needing to be done, and I wish that I had more of it to accomplish what is still left. However, the PCN will certainly be in excellent hands with its current Board members to include the incoming President, Nancy Bass. I will be stepping into a leadership position with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Section of Neurology Executive Committee. I hope to continue to partner with the PCN, so that together we might better connect with student and pediatric resident AAP members to let them know about Child Neurology and NDD earlier in their training.
I look forward to seeing you all online in the coming weeks and in person in the coming year!