Committee Description
The Scientific Selection and Program Planning Committee oversees and plans educational content for the CNS Annual Meeting. In partnership with CNS staff, determine the overall design and flow of the program and the types of activities (e.g., symposia, poster sessions).
Committee Roster
Bhooma Rajagopalan Aravamuthan (Chair)
Dave Fitzgerald Clarke (Associate Chair)
Peter B. Kang (Board Liaison)
Sonika Agarwal
Danielle Akinsanmi
Shawn Aylward
Asif Doja
Laura Kirkpatrick
Sanjeev Vithal Kothare
Jean-Baptiste Le Pichon
Kenneth J. Mack
Kiran Prasad Maski
Ann M. Neumeyer
Xilma Ortiz-Gonzalez
Deepa Soundara Rajan
Jennifer H Yang
JoJo Yang
Alonso Zea Vera
Katelyn N Geiger (Staff Liaison)
Sue Hussman (Staff Liaison)