Bringing CNS Members Together to Make Children’s Lives Better


Child Neurology Educators

Committee Description

Develop continuing educational activities, facilitate information sharing regarding training and workforce issues, and contribute to the sustained development of Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities as academic specialties.

Some key objectives of this committee include:

  • Organizing an annual CME program day at the CNS annual meeting, focusing on topics of significance to Child Neurology educators.
  • Gaining a deep understanding of the needs and challenges specific to fellowships available as training programs post-completion of Child Neurology training.
  • Overseeing matters pertaining to Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities training program requirements, curriculum, and Residency match.
  • Hosting discussions on the specialized training of child neurologists and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities physicians, especially regarding curriculum development.
  • Advocating for the educational needs of medical students in relation to Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.

Committee Roster

Nancy Bass (Chair) Margie Ream (Associate Chair) Soe Mar (Board Liaison) Miya Asato Meeryo Christa Choe Donald Lawrence Gilbert Rachel Gottlieb-Smith Adam Wallace Kathryn Leigh Idol Xixis Monique Terrell (Staff Liaison)