Bringing CNS Members Together to Make Children’s Lives Better


The John M. “Jack” Pellock Resident Seminar on Epilepsy will be held on Sunday, November 10, and Monday, November 11, in conjunction with the 53rd Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (November 11-14, 2024).  

Qualifying residents will receive an email with more information on how to register. 

All residents in their final year of child neurology (PGY5) or neurodevelopmental disorders (PGY6) training are eligible to attend. Residents attending will participate in a mixed curriculum of didactic lectures presented by outstanding faculty and breakout small group case study discussion sessions led by faculty members.   

Residents will attend a formal group dinner on Sunday evening with faculty and CNS Board of Directors seated at each table.  

Pellock Residents who meet stated deadlines are eligible to receive (PROGRAM FULL):  

  • CNS Annual Meeting Registration Fee Waiver.  
  • Three paid room nights at Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina Hotel: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evening. 
  • Pre-Registration Deadline: July 15th (Note: limited capacity. UPDATE: PROGRAM FULL )

2024 Agenda: Pellock Resident Seminar on Epilepsy 

Date  Time  Presentation  
Sunday, November 10  6:00 pmJack Pellock Remembrance Lecture – Howard Goodkin 
Ready to Launch – Giulia 
Monday, November 11      
 7:30 am  Breakfast 
 8:00 am  Semiologies – Christina Bergqvist  
 8:30 am  EEG Quiz – Courtney Wusthoff 
 9:00 am ICU EEG – Dana Harrar 
 9:30 am  Break  
 10:00 am – Noon  Small Group Case Discussions  
 Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch 
 1:00 pm Epilepsy Surgery – Julia Jacobs-LeVan  
 1:30 pm Genetics – Scott Demarest  
 2:00 pm SUDEP: How to Have the Talk – Anup Patel and Howard Goodkin 
 2:30 pm – 3:00 pmBreak  
 3:00 pm – 5:00 pmSmall Group Case Discussions  

Pellock Fellowship Awards

The John M. “Jack” Pellock Research Fellow Award and Clinical Fellow Award are granted to one resident each per year who exemplifies dedication to pediatric epilepsy research and discovery or who has demonstrated a commitment to the clinical care of children with epilepsy or acute provoked seizures. All seminar attendees are eligible to apply. All applications are due by July 15, 2024, no later than 5:00 pm Eastern.  

The awardee will receive:

  • 2025 Child Neurology Society and American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting registration fee waivers  
  • Inherited Metabolic Epilepsies (2nd Edition) signed by Phillip L. Pearl, MD  
  • eBook edition of Child Neurology: Its Origins, Founders, Growth and Evolution  
  • 2025 AES membership dues waiver 
  • Enrollment in the AES Fellows Program in 2025 


  1. Attend the 2024 Pellock Resident Seminar on Epilepsy 
  2. Final year Child Neurology resident who will begin an Epilepsy fellowship within two years of graduation 

Research Fellow Award Submission requirements:

  • Applicant’s CV 
  • Personal statement of no more than 250 words detailing why the applicant exemplifies a clinician researcher dedicated to scientific innovation in the field of pediatric epilepsy. The personal statement should include descriptions of how the applicant’s early research encompasses the following:
    • Initiative in seeking out mentorship in the field of pediatric epilepsy research.
    • Basic science, translational, or clinical investigation related to pediatric epilepsy.
    • Dissemination of research. This can be in the form of institutional research day presentations, conference abstracts, peer-reviewed publications, etc.   

Clinical Fellow Award Submission requirements:

  • Applicant’s CV
  • Personal statement of no more than 250 words detailing why the applicant exemplifies a physician dedicated to enhancing the clinical care of children with epilepsy. The personal statement should include specific examples of how the applicant has impacted children with epilepsy or at risk for provoked seizures and plans to extend this work into their career. These may include but are not limited to:
    • Quality improvement initiatives addressing clinical needs of children with seizures
    • Parent or staff recognition for care provided by the applicant
    • Institutional protocol, guideline, or pathway development addressing disorders related to childhood epilepsy (E.g., status epilepticus pathway)
    • Participation in patient-centered organizations such as the Epilepsy Foundation
    • Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion of children with seizures
    • Clinical research projects related to pediatric epilepsy or acute provoked seizures